I believe in listening to your body. mine craves plants, dislikes seafood, and sometimes wants a burger, medium-rare with all the cheese and things and a glass of good whisk(e)y. 

Mardi Miskit

Cooking is an intuitive, meditative process for me and I’m really bad at writing down measurements when I develop new recipes. Because of this, you’ll find both recipes and “recipes” on this blog. A lot of the casual process in my cooking is presented on these pages and it’s my hope that this will make cooking a little less intimidating for people. And it’s important to play around with things, make them your own, and to mess things up. It’s how we learn. Also, I like to keep things short, because I personally hate spending time closing pop-up ads and scrolling through endless words just to get to the ingredients and how-to. Ok, more below if you’re interested!

Cooking in Julia Child's Kitchen at La Pitchoune

Growing up, my bedroom was right next to the kitchen. There were mornings when the clanking of dishes infuriated me, but more often the aromas wafting into my room caused me to leap away from my teenage beauty sleep and devotedly join my mom (a trained chef) in the kitchen. Smells of garlic roasting with chicken and fresh herbs in the oven, or shallots bathing in butter on the stove top will always feel like home to me. It wasn’t until I was older that I truly began to realize how connected to cooking I’ve always been. And in exploring this I began to appreciate the way food connects people. 


Natural Gourmet Institute (now a part of the Institute of Culinary Education)
Certificate in Culinary Arts and Nutritional Healing

Saltie of Scuttlebutt fame (RIP)

Julia Child’s former home in Provence, La Pitchoune

Brooklyn Fork & Spoon - before it was a blog, Brooklyn Fork & Spoon was a supper club I developed along with some friends way back in 2011. We ran it for 6 years and then I turned it into a catering company. We catered everything from a botox party to weddings and I then spent a few years catering for clients at Shell’s Loft. Today, Brooklyn Fork & Spoon exists as a place to share the things I love to cook.